Bounce Down Slide: A Toy for your Children or for You?

With parents, aunties and uncles, and grandparents all buying our slide for the little ones in their lives, we are slowly learning something very exciting.....

We designed this slide with a few fundamental solutions in mind:

  1. SAFETY - We wanted to make it safer for kids to climb up onto, and get down off of, a trampoline. Most families either have ladders or make shift platforms made from table chairs to help. We have had both. Firstly the chair which inevitably led to many tears when it tipped over. Secondly we invested in a ladder which was either too hard for our littlest daughter to use, or led to many scraped shins and caught feet when our older daughter used it.
  2. FUN - Kids are crazy for speed and have no fear! A scary combination when you throw a traditional ladder in the mix. So how could we make getting on and off fun???
  3. DURABILITY - Kids trash things - as much as we love them. But they do. We needed something that could withstand little humans and also the weather year round.

So we designed the Bounce Down Slide!


While the children do love it, don't get us wrong... Do you know who is loving it more? 



No longer do you have to get up a hundred times to get your children off the tramp.

No longer do you have to get up a hundred times to help them onto the tramp.

No longer do you have to watch anxiously to make sure they don't fall off the ladder or get their legs caught in it as they slip off the runs.

Now you get to sit back and relax and watch your children from as young as 1 use the slide with independence. And the look on their face when they conquer it all on their own is priceless!